Tuesday, January 27, 2009

2nd day of cny


well,i slept till 10 something nearly 11am..

went bath,then had some things to tahan lapar 1st,after that only go take my brunch at grandma's house...

after finishingmy brunch,i drank kikapo,n had some pineapple cookies...makan till damn syok..

whole container was empty then..lolx..so tam chia nia..bei guai eh..wakakaxxzz

after that went to my 表舅 house 拜年..his house got variety kinds of peacock fish,also known as guppy fish if i;m not wrong..

later on,went to 姨婆 house 拜年,at her house,i ate lots of junk food and kuih..

the worst thinggy is,my father help her house punya water tap 过年..haha..

need to change a new one,but no shop is opened today so have to wait for another few days,kesian to the water tap..sory ya..!!

it was around 5 when we went home,i changed immediately right after i reached my house..and do some housework before i went to the basketball court..

the basketball court is just like 2nd home,whenever or huever wanna find me,can go there if i'm not in the 1st house...HEHE

then look through some fizik ..abo when school open..GG liao!!!T.T

well,thats all..

left 2 days to mit her..so nervous and can't wait..XD

rily miss her..!!!

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