Monday, December 17, 2012



DATE : 13th of jan 2013 (SUNDAY)
TIME : registration 9am-10am
competition 10am-12am
CATEGORY: below 6 (crayon)
below 9 (crayon)
below 12 ( water colour)
First prize iPad mini + rm500 cash + photo frame + trophy
Second prize ipod Nano + rm300 cash + photo frame + Trophy
Third prize ipod shuffle + rm200 cash + photo frame + trophy
saguhati rm50 cash+ photo frame + Trophy (x5)

anyone having friends or relatives or brothers or sisters age 12 and below are welcome to register with me for this colouring to spread this out and ask around for children below 12 to participate...rm5 for a chance to win apple product and cash plus to see beautiful products of your own...why not take part?? =)
much help are appreciated thanks =)

Thursday, October 11, 2012


I'm tired..40 days to go until finals..too much things to do yet lack of time..time management??fail in that..currently doing physical optics..staring at it for hours but it does not even say hi,dang am I so unattractive?!stil I gotta move on.. Dragging my tired body along the journey,waiting for the day where I can sleep peacefully to arrive..stress??im a happy go lucky guy,how is that gonna happen on me?automatically wake up for nothing in the midnight every night is a symptom of having stress..I doubt I'm stressing myself..I play hard everyday,play like mad,while others are busy absorbing text.. Direction??? where am I suppose to go??no place else. how am I suppose to get to where I desire?unknown. I'm lost in an ocean allowing the waves that hit hard on me pulling me to and Watching those who can see their pathway clearly,I'm admiring them for having the courage perhaps are determined to clear the cloudy and vague image surrounding them.

Sunday, August 19, 2012


现在是凌晨三点钟,我却还没睡,失眠吗?有点吧。。。好久没上来部落格写写东东了。。睡前突然想要与大家分享我的心情。。还有将近三个星期吧,我就需要面对STPM预考了。。说来有点害怕,感觉上我什么都没准备到,反而浪费了许多时间,看见朋友们一个个都变了样,好玩的都静静的拿着书本开始拼了,而我不算好玩的却显得比他们好玩的多了,压力倍增,却无法与人分担。。深夜未眠,我却在楼下做数学,这现象在我读书生涯里简直是百年难得一见的奇迹啊!!我疯了?? 一个人静静的在楼下做数学,越做越精神,于是看了时间决定停了,不然明天就免去补习了,一个人,一个人,夜深人静的凌晨,开着冷气和风扇,突然觉得非常寂寞,突然觉得身边没有一个真正可以让我依靠的朋友,朋友我倒是多得很,但与我resonance的又有几个呢??以前的朋友,现在都各自分飞,联络少了之间就自然隔了一道墙,攀墙或把墙击倒是需要一段时间的。往往时间都是我们最宝贵的东西,有谁愿意牺牲时间来换取知己呢?? 一个人的感觉非常寂寞,需要人陪的渴望也不断增加,可惜在这样的一段时间,到哪儿去找朋友陪你呢??没办法,就只好适应一个人的凌晨咯,朋友们一个个都飞到国外念书了,有点羡慕他们也很想和他们一样,毕竟自己较有兴趣的科系在我国都没得修。。那些还远吧!目前,最总要的就是把试考好,一切都顺其自然咯。很想找个人来谈,但是多数都在玩周公online,还玩得非常入迷,一玩就玩几小时了哈哈。。 很想找你来陪我聊天,可你应该熟睡,不想把你挖醒免的眼睛又肿了,我都算仁慈了吧 呵呵。。几乎全部朋友都展开地狱试地读书,而我却相反的还很轻松的天天在那里嘻哈玩乐,考试简直没眼看。。我还有药救吗??

Friday, February 24, 2012

live life to the fullest

当我们都羡慕别人并想要和别人有这一样的生活, 为何不从另一当年试着想想呢?别人所拥有的不一定是我们需要的,而我们拥有的也并非他人所需的。每个人在这世上都有着与众不同的生活,为何还要求与他人有着一样的生活来满足自己呢?也许这一切只为了吸引他人的正注意和感到尊重吧!我何尝不是一样!?


~~live life to the fullest~~

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Wo Bu Hui Rang Ni Shi Wang (I Can't Let You Be Disappointed)

i listened to 謝和弦 this few days and i found that this song can be used to be a self motivating song..hmm..i dont know whether anybody agrees with this but one thing for sure i dont wanna let anyone that have hopes upon me to be disappointed.

either to your love,your parents,friends and teachers??in whatever way,we have to look forward and move forward..let bypass be bypass,get a new life and work all the way to a better life ha.

upper 6 life is stressful,but no matter how stress it is,im sure there are more stressful life ahead of me or perhaps someone else are having more stress?who knows?the world is round lol random...

finally,to christopher kok foo loon(no idea whether the name is wrong or not) although i am not familiar with you i know who you are...well,what can i say more?RIP man!!
life is short,cherish every moments with everyone while you still have them with you

Sunday, January 1, 2012


Happy 2012!!well,is it really we are one step reaching DOOM??well,even it is just make sure we cherish everything in our life and live everyday like the last day..hmm..i wonder will i be able to do that??ha

new year comes with a new wish and new aims so do i..just hoped i wont slack anymore and concentrate on my studies,scoring 4 flats in stpm haha..building up my body??increase my stamina to another level..haha..well,im lazy to exercise and it is bad as i am growing fat again haha..hope to slim down hmmm..

looks like slimming down is the problem??so many people that i knew went gym occassionally while im slacking at home..haha..well,i aint that rich so let it be la..haha..just hope all well ends well

happy 2012..looking forward to happy chinese new year haha